The most important decision you ever make is the one where you decide that you already are that which you are striving to be. When you do this, you start living more in accordance with being that thing and the universe starts throwing things at you to support it. If you are new to something you might feel like an imposter for a bit and you may feel funny calling yourself an “athlete” or an “artist” or a “musician” but the sooner you can get over this the better.
Being anything is not based on an outcome you achieve whereby you are now allowed to be that thing. Being what you want to be is a decision you make about your commitment and engagement to the process of being that thing. And this means that it is not always going to be pretty. It means that sometimes it’s going to feel like crap when you are doing it. It means that sometimes it’s going to rain and sometimes you are going to fall on your face and sometimes you are going to be tired and sometimes you are going to not want to do it. But the more deeply rooted your feeling of belonging to that thing is the more you will be willing to accept the tough moments as a necessary part of your growth within that thing. If you deny yourself acceptance to the tribe you wish to inhabit it’s too easy to walk away on the days where it’s hard.
Being an artist is not dependent on creating a masterpiece. Being an artist is the process in which you engage in artistic practice with vigor, intent and passion. Being an athlete is not dependent on winning a huge race. Being an athlete is the process in which you engage in athletic practice with vigor, intent and passion. Being a musician is not dependent on having a number 1 hit. Being a musician is the process whereby you engage in musical practice with vigor, intent and passion.
If you think that being what you want to be is reserved for a select few you are wrong. Nobody owns the rights to these things. Athletes come in all shapes and sizes. Musicians come in all different genres and vocal ranges. Artists come in a seemingly limitless variation of styles. And most of the time the people who already feel part of those tribes aren’t the ones denying you entry. Usually the biggest barrier to entry is yourself and the decision you personally are making about your own legitimacy.